
Monfragüe National Park

The Monfragüe National Park is a wonderful place to visit for both ornithology and Mediterranean flora.

  1. Explore
  2. Monfragüe National Park


Nature divided by the Tagus

Location and Contact:

Villarreal de San Carlos
10695 Various municipalities , Cáceres (Extremadura)
Opening times

Monday to Friday: 9:30am-7:00pm (summer)

Monday to Friday: 9:30am-6:00pm (winter)

Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: 

9:30am-7:00pm (summer)

9:00am-6:00pm (winter)

  • The Monfragüe National Park is a wonderful place to visit for both ornithology and Mediterranean flora.

    Located in the middle of an imaginary triangle formed by Plasencia, Trujillo and Navalmoral de la Mata, and with the Tagus river running through it, the Monfragüe National Park is unique; it was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2003.

    Monfragüe takes its name from the Romans, who called it Mons Fragorum, the fragmented mountain. Difficult to access and covered by scrubland, it is the largest and best preserved stretch of Mediterranean mountain landscape in the world. The wild mountains delimiting the Tagus and Tiétar valleys are home to oak forests and Mediterranean trees and shrubs, boulders, reservoirs and streams; it is a typically Iberian landscape that provides a home for the Park's incredibly diverse flora and fauna.

    Cork oaks, Portuguese oaks, wild olives and holm oak trees are surrounded by shrubs more fitted to drier climes. Together they paint a canvas in infinite shades of green and brown at the most popular birdwatching spot for visitors, the Salto del Gitano. So don't forget to programme a break in your schedule to admire the black storks, vultures, Egyptian vultures and imperial eagles -just a few of the many birds that nest in the cliffs and trees of Monfragüe.

    And birds are just a few of the 208 species of vertebrates that live in this natural sanctuary. Deer, common genets, badgers, lynx, wildcats, otters, snakes, tortoises… these are just some of the species living in this area of Upper Extremadura.

    The Park is also the site of Monfragüe Castle, an Arab construction, although now almost nothing remains of the original. According to legend, this was the home of princess Noeima, who wanders the mountains in eternal punishment by her father for falling in love with a Christian and giving him information on how to enter the castle. People have left many other marks on Monfragüe over the ages, with many prehistoric cave paintings remaining. Another important historic and artistic artefact is the image of the Christ of Victory, known as the Cristo de Serradilla, which is still venerated in the area.

    Villarreal de San Carlos is the only town in the Park. It has a Visitors' Centre, a Nature Information Centre and a Naturalized Animal Centre, together with accommodation, refreshments and public services. The town also hosts the annual Feria Internacional de Turismo Ornitológico de Extremadura (FIO - Extremadura International Ornithology Tourism Fair).

    In Malpartida de Plasencia, one of the entrance gates to this protected area, The Monfragüe National Park North Visitor Information Centre is located.


    As well as enjoying some of the routes through the park, make sure you also visit one of its most spectacular spots, the Salto del Gitano. This is a 300 metre cliff, an immense quartzite outcrop rearing up above the Tagus river. And if you want to break your journey, you can relax at the Fuente de los Tres Caños or the Fuente del Francés drinking fountains.

  • Type:

    • Park National


    • Disabled access
    • Accessible car park
    • Accessible elevator
    • Accessible facilities and common areas
    • Adapted educational materials
    • Access ramps
    • Accessible restaurant
    • Adapted route for disabled people
    • Signs in Braille


    • Rural accommodation
    • Parking
    • Camping
    • Fountains for Public Use
    • Outreach Material
    • picnic areas
    • Interpretive panels
    • Guided Tours


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